

For any reason if you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply email us at within 14 days of receiving your order and wait for a confirmation that you can return your order.
You must return your order using a delivery service with recorded delivery and with the appropriate level of insurance to cover the value of the item(s). The item(s) must be returned in all original packaging and must be in a saleable condition. Ecrannium Ltd does not accept responsibility for any items that are lost, stolen or damaged in transit when returning an item. Ecrannium Ltd does not accept responsibility for return postage costs unless the item is found to be faulty.
Return of Faulty Items:
If an item you receive is faulty, we will also reimburse the cost of return postage upon safe return delivery of the item. Please contact us, wait for confirmation and then return the item via recorded delivery, making sure the insurance is sufficient to cover the value of the goods. Once the item/s have been received, Ecrannium Ltd will refund you the cost of postage within 14 days of the receipt of the goods.